BridagePrep Academy Logo
Riverview &
Advanced Studies

News and Announcements

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer T-shirt Sale!

Bridgeprep Academy of Riverview will be participating in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on October 28th, 2017. To help our team raise money, we are selling a special spirit shirt that may be worn by students on Friday, October 27th for Pink Out day. T-Shirt's are $15 and order forms can be obtained in the front office as well as downloaded from the school’s website. The last day to purchase shirts is October 12, 2017. Please submit payment with order form to the front office.The Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk will take place on October 28th, 2017. Registration begins at 7:30 AM and the race will start at 9:00 AM. Make sure to wear your spirit shirt to the race. We want to see 100% participation for this great cause Bulldogs!!!